I'm having a terrible day
My mind is filled with thoughts of you
But yet, your not here
I see you everywhere I go
I get my hopes up thinking it's you
But I soon discover it's not
I feel myself sinking deeper into sadness
Wondering why my mind is playing these cruel tricks on me
But the answer is simple
I want to see you
When your not here I feel like your going to dissapear
Please, don't go
Don't leave me all alone
Sometimes I think it's all a dream
That you never really came back
I just dreamt it all up
But that's not the case
You do exist, you did come back
And I will see you again
But telling myself this doesn't do anything
It still feels like a dream
But the most craziest thing is
When I see you I forget all of these worries
When I see you, that's all that matters
It's just me and you